
BS in Nursing

BS in Electrical Engineering
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Advancing SHUNew members bring leadership, experience to their new positions.
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A Community in Forward Motion

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Students walk along Jorge Bergoglio Hall

Biology students studying anatomy

The Bobby Valentine Health & Recreation Center

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Chapel of the Holy Spirit

At the Chapel of the Holy Spirit, choir students embrace during the sign of peace

The SHU community gathers for a candlelight vigil outside of the Chapel of the Holy Spirit

Students have an open discussion during a Catholic intellectual tradition seminar

Students walk up and down the steps outside of Curtis Hall

The SHU Dance Company on the Edgerton stage

Edgerton Center for the Performing Arts

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The Gospel Choir, along with President John Petillo, performs at the Chapel of the Holy Spirit

JP's Diner

Students make the sign of peace during Massapalooza on the upper quad amphitheater steps as part of move-in weekend

Orientation leaders cheer on incoming freshmen at the Chapel of the Holy Spirit

Orientation leaders outside of the Bobby Valentine Health & Recreation Center

Fall foliage on the Quad

Professors Jason Ostrander and Patricia Carl-Stannard co-teach a social work class at West Campus


Students collaborate in the team-based learning lecture hall at the Center for Healthcare Education

Students pass by the water wall in front of Ryan Matura Library

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We'll Challenge and Inspire You



Master of Arts in Criminal Justice
Exceptional Programs

Leading Facilities

Spirit of SHU

Community UpdatesCheck back frequently for community updates, frequently asked questions and prevention tips.
Connect with a CounselorMS in Computer Science & Information Technology Virtual Information Session
MS in Strategic Human Resource Management Virtual Information Session
Doctor of Physical Therapy Virtual Info Session
Alumnus is Teacher of the Year
Alumni SpotlightFranco Cartiera ’03 gives back to the city that educated him.
Two Alumni Join SHU’s Board of Trustees
Advancing SHUNew members bring leadership, experience to their new positions.
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Chapel of the Holy Spirit bell tower

Business students at the Martire Forum

Career Fair at West Campus

The Center for Healthcare Education

Doctorate of education students at West Campus

Discussion following a film & television event at the Martire Center for the Liberal Arts

Students in a healthcare informatics class

Students in the television production studio at the Martire Center for the Liberal Arts

An occupational therapy student works with a client during a stroke clinic at the Center for Healthcare Education

Physical therapy students in the human anatomy lab at the Center for Healthcare Education

Sacred Heart University's main academic building, Chapel of the Holy Spirit and Ryan Matura Library

Television studio at the Martire Center for the Liberal Arts

West Campus - West Building